Category: Case Studies

Case Histories

Chest tightness and shortness of breath significantly reduced with herbal Shwas protocol.


Eczema-like breakouts contained by herbs, massage and stress reduction.


Slow-healing skin wounds closed up with simple herbal formula over several months.


Sleep disturbances brought to an end with oil therapies, herbs and daily routine adjustments.


Sluggish-feeling / lack of energy changed to zippy productivity from herbs, lifestyle and dietary adjustments.


Repetitive Strain Injury therapy complemented well by oil therapies and other bodywork.


Uterine Fibroids, causing backache and extended abdomen, significantly reduced in size, hardness and pain to low back through repeated Karmas, herbal formulas and bodywork.


Post-surgery recovery time sped up via regular oil massage.


Hearing loss reduced significantly from oil therapies, herbal formulas and change of diet.


These are all Cases of clients I have seen in my practice.


To schedule a free exploratory 15-minute conversation please text or call me at 510-689-1041 or send an email to Victoria (at) Ayurveda-Healthcare [dot] com. I can let you know if I think you should sign up for one of my packages.


Select Daytime, Evening and Sunday appointments are available

For the occasional one-time session I will offer for a quick second-opinion of your case, or for a Constitutional Analysis, you can look at the online scheduler to find an upcoming appointment time that works for you.


Store & single-session Scheduler


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In exchange for your email address I offer FREE GIFTS

— an MP4 file of guided meditation

–an eBooklet on How to 3-Day Cleanse at Home